Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga was established on April 11, 1923 Russian version
books from Russia and CIS
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How to use Search?
  • You have two kinds of search: quick and detailed (extended).
  • The quick search always is in the top part of all pages of a site. You can easily choose the subject of the catalogue and search by the author, by the title or by year of book release..
  • To overlook section wholly, simply choose this section and not entering the year, the author and title but only press a badge "glass" - (SEARCH).
  • The quick search can be combined. You can choose subject of the catalogue, for example " the children's literature ", in a window < by year > you can enter the year, for example 2001, in a window you enter the author of the book, for example "pushkin", in a window < by title > you enter the title of the book, for example "skazki " (fairy tales) - and after press "search" you will receive as result of search all fairy tales of the famous Russian poetry Alexander Pushkin concerning the children's literature and published in 2001
  • In all windows You may search for words both in english and transliterated russian.
  • If you search for several words, you will obtain the results for all of them together, i.e. the logical unification will be done.
  • The words should not be shorter than 2 characters.
  • In a window < by title > it is possible to enter words in Russian or English language or part of words. The capital letters and lower case letters are determined equally.
  • The search < by title > is performed over the titles and also over the abstracts (if they are present). Therefore better use words that are likely to appear in the title or abstract instead of general words describing the concept
  • For the better processing of russian words with changing endings it is helpful to enter the words without the ending (e.g, if you search for mathematics, enter "matematik" instead of "matematika" because it will include also the "matematicheskij" ("mathematical")
  • For purposeful search of the books and series is recommended to address to the extended search. . In the separate search under number of the catalogue, ISBN code, author, title, publishing house, binding, price and also key word, which can be in the title of a series of the books or detailed summary on the book. Thus for your convenience you can determine, in what kind the result of search should be submitted on the screen: amount of the found positions on one page, kind of selecting.
  • We shall be very glad, if our search system will help you

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